Management Consultancy


Management Consulting involves helping a business institution enhance their performance, by analyzing the current problems and creating a strategy for development. Organisations may require the services of management consultants for varied reasons. This may include procuring external guidance as well as gaining insight into the consultants' proficiency. Because of their exposure to and relationships with numerous organisations, GAURAV RATHI & ASSOCIATES team is aware of the “best practices”, of the industry. However, interchangeability of such practices from one institution to another may be limited by the precise nature of the situation under consideration.

The Integrated Management Consultancy approach tackles all aspects of the Companies running, i.e., thorough planning, account outsourcing, practicality, transactional services and compliance outsourcing.

  • SOP Development
  • Due Diligence
  • Internal Restructuring Consultancy
  • Business Valuation
  • Strategic Planning
  • Transaction Services
  • Accounting Outsourcing

1. Business Planning

Every planning process goes through a series of stages. Essentially, the aim is to analyse the external environment, internal environment, setting corporate goals and formulation of strategies. We at Gaurav Rathi & Associates can assist our clients in planning the entire business in general or a separate segment in particular. Effective business planning helps in appraising the current position of operations, which further help in determining the direction of the firm.

2. Accounting Outsourcing

Our Accounting Outsourcing service is helpful to relieve your company of the task of hiring and retaining an in-house staff. Additionally, we offer services that cater to bookkeeping, year-end financial reporting, consolidation and management accounting. Moreover, we aid with invoicing of sales, receivable accounts, administration of payroll and suppliers’ ledger management.

Our services are flexible, and we quickly adapt to our client’s needs. Our staff provisions include juniors to high-end managers. The period for hiring staff can also be altered according to customer requirements.

Additionally, our intervention is customised to suit client needs who come from diverse industry sectors. Consequently, our vast experience and comprehensive approach sanction us to tackle routine proceedings to effortlessly deliver value in support of your business.=

3. Business Valuation

A proficient evaluation requires the knowledge of an expert who is well acquainted with the assessment procedure as well as its application. Where on one hand the theoretical propositions tend to be the same for different types of companies, the process with which they are implemented differs largely. In the same manner, the objective of the assessment can affect the modus operandi, level of merit and other such constituents. We impart an impartial outlook that is based on sound rationale and credible premises.

4. Comparative Analysis Of Financial Reports

Comparative financial records are documents that compare economic statistics from different parts of time. The comparative analysis lists a section of the revenue statements, balance sheets and money flow with its corresponding section in the previous course. Additionally, it can be implemented to weigh up the data of different companies, thereby bringing to light the financial trends. Such an analysis to a commendable extent demonstrates the course and progression of the organisation.

5. Compliance Outsourcing

In spite of the changing business environment, the key drivers for compliance outsourcing are a bit similar, i.e., imperatives to control threats, lessen expenses, and thrive consistently. The way companies are moving towards shared service centres is also contributing to making outsourcing a pleasant alternative for many firms. By outsourcing, one can achieve the following:

  • Refined data administration based on precision and integrity
  • Lessen the risks that are part of the compliance and reporting process
  • Your firm acquires forthright reporting tax professionals who get a chance to add worth rather than just indulge in a monotonous manual chore

6. Due Diligence

Due diligence is used to inspect and analyse a business possibility. The term implies a universal responsibility to exercise vigilance in the firm’s proceedings. It looks into the past, present as well as the probable future of the enterprise. Gaurav Rathi & Associates offer an in-depth due diligence assistance to firms preliminary to any investments. Our approach involves professionalism, creativity and an all-inclusive concept. We work towards utmost transparency and offer our clients succinct yet an all-encompassing service.

7. Feasibility Assessment

A feasibility assessment is meant for individuals looking to start their business, or own a business or are seeking to change the business module of the company. This type of assessment assists in evaluating the calibre of a suggested project. With years of expertise, Gaurav Rathi & Associates helps businesses gauge the functioning as well as the financial feasibility of the new venture.

Before undertaking a business venture, various queries and uncertainties need to be set right. We apply an innovative approach that will aid you in evaluating the business opportunity, understand the market and whether the proposed concept is capable of providing sustainable benefits.

8. Internal Restructuring Consultancy

The term Corporate Restructuring is used to imply significant changes within a company that usually affect basic business practices, major decisions or how certain parts of its business plan are approached. Gaurav Rathi & Associates helps its clients to take a systematic approach towards their restructuring as well as their future policies and advise them in substantiating their decisions on a sound strategic rationale and principles of value creation. This procedure equips our clients with a connected as well as an organised approach to attain their defined targets. Additionally, this assists them with an enhanced and sound strategy as well as an increased shareholder value.

9. Sop Development

Gaurav Rathi & Associates can provide comprehensive standard operating procedures (SOPs) according to customer specifications, Industry standards, various regulations, etc. SOPs can be implemented in diverse sectors like payroll, production, quality testing, etc. Our SOP development procedure concerns the composition of a development plan in agreement with the client interest and the creation of process maps. It greatly benefits the firm in eliminating the current thought process and reach sizeable competence.

10. Strategic Consulting

We used to try and tested logical tools to aid businesses evolve coherently and consequently devise an action plan that is useful to companies for enhancing their operations. We guide them right from the execution stage through the metamorphic phase and incorporate essential practices, i.e., change management, restructuring and score carding.

11. Strategic Planning

This is crucial for businesses to decipher their position in the industry and process of evolvement, keeping the purpose as well as the necessity in mind. A practical strategy involves taking into consideration relevant business factors like markets, customers, capital and the expertise required to tackle problems efficiently. In today’s competitive market a business firm is countered with evolving technology, intense international competition and proliferated customer sophistication. Hence, a business needs a plan of action that is both innovative and pragmatic. Drawing on our expert business insight, we help companies invent a strategy that will help them sustain a crisp competitive edge.

12. Transactional Services

Gaurav Rathi & Associates provides a complete gamut of services that involves support at all stages of the transaction. We keep in mind the uniqueness of every transaction and certitude it being one of the biggest financial events for businesses.

The transition planning stage commences way before the particular transaction occurs. The pre-transaction planning is one of the most crucial phases, where we assist in ushering exceptional benefits to our clients. We operate with businesses to comprehend the various process of transaction, i.e.

  • The evaluation model to be utilised
  • The roles and responsibilities of different transactional service providers
  • How to equip a firm to ensure maximum achievement of values
  • Alternative transactions and their tax consequence

During the actual transaction process, we work with our clients and the entire transactional team to understand and help our clients walk through the challenging and emotional process of transactions. We amalgamate a group of assurance team members, tax team members and evaluation team members to help support our clients during the process.

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